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The Impact of Automation & Robotic Technology in the Manufacturing Industry

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Technology is rapidly impacting the manufacturing industry. New developments in automation, particularly the introduction of robots, it is easy to jump to the conclusion that jobs will be lost. Even though the concerns are valid, at Employment Solutions, our Clients are experiencing only a positive impact for both the manufacturer and the employees.

But the use of robots is nothing new. Manufacturing first started using robots in the early 1960s. They've come a long way since then. Robots can now be installed faster and for less money than ever before. More sales have seen prices come down massively. Built-in state-of-the-art facilities, robots feature quality enhancements and regulated safety standards that create savings on labour costs and unscheduled downtime. Robots can also operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, increasing production and minimising downtime. Let's take a closer look at how robots are changing manufacturing:

Robots allow the creation of new jobs in different industries.

Yes, it's true.

Robots have the ability to do undesirable jobs that are either mundane or too dangerous and replace them with more appealing careers, like engineering or programming. Through the elimination of unappealing jobs, labour is freed up, so people can become more skilled in different crafts. Instead of thinking of this as a loss of employment, it should be looked at as an opportunity to create new jobs in different fields.

While there may be fewer people on the factory floor, more tasks will be getting done. Manufacturing employees will become versed in different disciplines, and be better paid for their work, letting them create more valuable products, like technology that will help them become even more time and cost-effective.

This will also see the return of offshore jobs that moved overseas to low-cost areas. Robotic automation now lets manufacturing be competitive by creating more jobs in robotics and its associated fields.

Humans are required to service the machinery. Robots allow manufacturers to lower costs and keep jobs back in the United Kingdom.

Robots promote efficiency in manufacturing.

Productivity and performance are major components of any successful workplace. Time is valuable, and one significant impact of the addition to robots regarding time is that robots can be programmed to fit around any schedule. They can run on hours that do not typically fit into a human employee schedule and could work 24/7. This will maximise the use of time and increase productivity.

Since robots can move quickly and efficiently, there would be a significant decrease in the number of mistakes that could be made by humans. Multitasking, which may be hard for humans to complete without making mistakes, can be done easily by robots, which will eliminate the need for extra machinery which can be less efficient. This allows for a steady, uninterrupted, flow of production that will promote productivity and efficiency.

Robotic automation has found its way into several areas of manufacturing with robots performing tasks like welding, assembly, shipping, raw material handling, and packing. More manufacturers are using robotic automation for a growing list of applications.

 Late adopters who would benefit from automation are looking for answers to the questions: Are robots too expensive? Is our business too small to use robotics? Are robots difficult to program and operate? Will robotics cost human workers their jobs?

The simple answer: No.

Robots in the workplace promote a greener environment.

The interest in green manufacturing is growing all around the world. To be "green" means developing energy efficiencies and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes.

By replacing manufacturing floor labour with robots, the factory environment can change. Where there are no longer humans working, there do not have to be regulations on the factory temperature or whether the floor is well-lit enough. Reducing energy usage involved in air conditioning, heat and lighting, a greener workplace will grow.

The efficiency and precision of robots will decrease the amount of scrap created within the workplace. Fewer scrap means less waste goes into the environment. Impacting the environment through waste reduction and energy conservation will allow a company to become greener and help contribute to conserving the environment.

The introduction of robots in the manufacturing industry has the ability to impact the industry itself and the rest of the planet. Making the switch from all human employees to robots may feel like a big leap and some may be concerned about the effects on manufacturing, the lasting impact will positively affect the jobs within the industry, the overall productivity and efficiency, and the sustainability of the environment.